

Volunteers Week (June 3rd – 9th June) is fast approaching with this year's theme being ‘Something for everyone’, with this in mind we want to celebrate volunteers and the communities we support right across the region by awarding a Volunteering Champion per day, per locality (Teviot & Liddesdale, Cheviot, Berwickshire, Eildon and Tweeddale) for the each of day during volunteers’ week.

We know in every town, village and beyond in the Scottish Borders there are volunteers doing amazing things in and for their communities, some individuals, and groups behind the scenes, some front and centre. We want to hear from everyone and Celebrate who your champion is. Please help us find that person that should be celebrated for their time, commitment and sheer love for their community and helping others. We will present an award to the winner of each locality who will be named this year's 2024 Volunteer Champion for that area.


Please check out our poster attached for the QR code to our nomination form and more info or head to our nomination form here to tell us about your Volunteering Champion! 



The deadline is the 6th May so.be sure to get your nomination in soon.



A Huge thank you to everyone who sold and bought the Groups Food Anagram Quiz masterminded by David Knighton.

We had a good return of correct answers so a draw had to be made to find the winners.

Congratulations to;

1st A Miller, Duns

2nd A Briody, Greenlaw

3rd C Clough, Burnmouth

29 February 2024EASTER HOLIDAYS

Riding and vaulting will end for the Easter holiday on;

Monday 18th March, Tuesday 19th, March, Wednesday 20thMarch, 

Thursday 21st March, Friday 22nd March.

Riding and Vaulting will restart the week beginning the 15th April


This year we are raising funds to replace the surface of the indoor riding arena.
This is going to cost approximately £25,000.
As part of our fund-raising we are planning to hold a Jumblebee online auction, to
take place in May/June 2024. We are seeking donations of around 100 lots for
people to bid on online. Initially we are looking for suggestions of donors
(businesses or individuals) who may be willing to help us out.
Ideally we would like a selection of lots ranging in value. Examples of lots for
auction could be anything from a bottle of whisky to a night's stay in holiday
accommodation. Auction lots can be produce; goods; services (hairdressers, car
valet etc); a meal out; activity experience (golf, cinema tickets, sports event); gifts
or anything else which can be donated to help us raise money.

Please get in touch with suggestions of potential donors by 1st March 2024

Email: auction@berwickshirerda.org.uk
Text: 07942 358115

Alternatively you can leave your suggestions in writing (a suggestions sign up list
will be available at RDA) or in person with a Group trustee (see below).
Group trustees:
Margaret Morgan
Susan Patterson
Jude Logan
Gill Hallsworth
Claudia Nisbet
Fiona Anderson
Sandra Grigg
Chris Serle
Caroline Arthur
Sharon Baker


Kind regards
Sharon Baker
Secretary, Berwickshire Group RDA
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